Monday, February 9, 2009


In the shower today, I was thinking about intelligence, and education. I do this often, it's probably a product of being smart enough to see a little more of the great big world of knowledge beyond my cerebral grasp. They say the more you know, the more you know you what you don't know. They also say you don't know what you don't know. Harumph.

Anyway, I'm not smart enough. That is, my education doesn't feel nearly complete, and I've been reading more than ever before. Intelligence and education are two different things, but they clearly relate. A person who continues to expand their education will generally be smarter in every practical sense.

So I was thinking about high school, that bastion of tangible educational accomplishment. My education progressed so much. I think I was too satisfied. I was too close-minded in college. I could have learned so much more. I think I'm back on track now. I feel young at mind.

The big picture I'm driving at here is that the same intelligence of seventeen, without any augmentation, doesn't look so smart at 26. Nine years of ignorance. I think it would be an easy trap to fall into.

Pre-conceived notions are a fog on the senses.

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